Luciafest Celebrates 60 Years

December 8, 5 PM | Our Redeemer’s Rehearsals Begin November 9 Luciafest at Our Redeemer’s is on December 8th this year! This traditional Swedish celebration of Saint Lucia’s Day will […]
December 8, 5 PM | Our Redeemer’s Rehearsals Begin November 9 Luciafest at Our Redeemer’s is on December 8th this year! This traditional Swedish celebration of Saint Lucia’s Day will […]
Join us for a festive season filled with joy, tradition, and togetherness! 🌲 Saturday, November 30, 11 AM – Greening of the Church Be part of the transformation! Help us […]
Reformation Sunday This year, our Reformation Sunday celebration and confirmation ceremony lands on October 27. As is our tradition, come show your Lutheran church-spirit by wearing red, and supporting our […]
The Stewardship Team is hard at work, bringing us together for our season of giving and commitment. This year, our theme is “Hand-in-Hand,” which emphasizes how our hands reveal the […]
Blessing of Backpacks – September 1 Sunday, September 1, 10 AM As the new school year begins, let us gather our minds and hearts, hopes and prayers for students and […]
Worship is a large part of our life together as a church. We best represent that life in our worship services with the many gifts shared through prayer, reading, greeting, […]
Sundays thru September 15th It’s summer at Our Redeemer’s! You are invited to sing and/or play an instrument for Special Music during the Offering time for our 10:00 a.m. worship […]
Installation of Pastor Thomas Voelp New Date! July 27th You are invited to attend the Installation of The Reverend Thomas Voelp as Pastor at Our Redeemer’s. The service of Installation […]
by Pastor Thomas Voelp “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal […]
Holy Week this year will continue to be framed by our Lenten theme, “Restore Us.” As we search for our place in the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection, we […]