Because none of us has all the answers.

Neighbors, friends and visitors to our church are often curious to know more about Our Redeemer’s. Here are answers to some common questions. If you don’t see the information you’re looking for, please don’t hesitate to contact us any time.

Where are you located?

Our Redeemer’s is located at 2400 NW 85th Street in the Ballard neighborhood of Seattle. We are the brick church right on the corner, north of Larsen’s Bakery. Our parking lot is just west of the church. For directions to Our Redeemer’s, click here.

When are your office hours?

The office is open 10:00 am to 3:00 pm, Monday through Thursday. You can also get in touch with our staff any time by email.

What are your worship times?

September thru June we meet Sundays, 9:00 a.m and 11:00 a.m. –  We meet in-person and online through Zoom and Facebook at 11:00 a.m.  For instructions on joining online, click here.

Visit the Worship page to learn more about each service.

Do you take the bible literally?

We take the Bible seriously, but not literally.  Read the Bible carefully and you’ll see its contradictions, and be forced to choose what to hold as most important. Jesus, who best reveals God and God’s grace, is our lens and filter for what to make of the rest of the Bible. Therefore, we see no inherent opposition between science and faith.

Can I watch or listen to a sermon online?

Yes. Every week, we livestream our 11am worship online on Facebook/ourredeemers.

It is difficult for me to get to Church. Can you come to my home?

Yes, our Emmaus Visitors are happy to bring you communion and companionship. Please contact Linda to arrange a visit, or learn more on the Caring Community page.

Who goes to your church?

All people are welcome at Our Redeemer’s. In our community you will meet all kinds of individuals and families, each of whom are valued, respected and cared for regardless of age, ethnic background, social status, physical condition, sexual orientation and gender identity. To learn more about our inclusive community, visit the About page.

Do I have to be a Lutheran to attend worship at Our Redeemer's?

Nope! People of all faiths and backgrounds worship at Our Redeemer’s. Many of our regular worshippers are not official members of our church, or even Lutherans or Christians. Whatever your spiritual background and regardless of whether you have had any church affiliation, you are fully welcome here. Visit the About page to learn more.

Does our Redeemer's have a mission statement?

Yes, we do. In 2001, during an interim between pastors, declining attendance challenged Our Redeemer’s to take a deep look at itself, its past and its future. Out of that shared reflection we created the new vision statement below: 

In the model of Christ and for the life of the world,we are an inclusive, devoted, caring and spiritual community that accepts challenges, takes risks and grows.

To learn more about this statement and to find out how we work to live our vision every day, visit the History page, pay us a visit or contact us any time.


What is Our Redeemer's Strategic Plan?

In 2014, Our Redeemer’s developed a strategic plan focused on three main objectives:

Deepening community. In 2004, after a year of conversation and study, Our Redeemer’s voted to publicly welcome individuals of all sexual orientations and gender identities by becoming a Reconciling in Christ congregation. People of all ages, backgrounds and spiritual journeys are now invited to the communion table and to our life together. To learn more, visit the Grow In Community page.

Transformative spirituality. We shifted our focus away from membership toward a more open and inclusive approach. Our Redeemer’s welcomes exploration, questions and individual experiences. We provide the space, safety, acceptance and resources each person needs to explore faith and experience spirituality in his or her own way. To learn more, visit the Grow in Spirit page.

Ministry-focused outreach. A longtime resource for our Ballard neighborhood, Our Redeemer’s created active social justice ministries and partnered with local organizations to maximize our capacity and impact. In recent years, Our Redeemer’s has sheltered homeless families in our fellowship hall, hosted a Share shelter and helped create the Road2Housing Project. To learn more, visit the Grow in Service page.  

We invite you to read our full strategic plan and to contact us to find out more.

What kind of Outreach is Our Redeemer's involved in?

We work with many local partners focusing on the areas of Food, Shelter, and EarthCare. People of all ages participate in serving our neighbors here in Ballard and people around the world. Visit the Grow in Service page to learn more about our ongoing social justice projects.

Interested in global outreach? International accompaniment mission trips for high school youth and family mission trips take place. To find out more, visit the Accompaniment Mission page.

What do you offer for youth?

Youth programming at Our Redeemer’s is focused on building community, serving our neighbors and discovering and using our identity as children of God. Students in 7th and 8th grade can participate in Confirmation, where we explore God and faith together. High school youth gather for quarterly service projects and fun events—not to mention fantastic retreats and global mission trips. Contact Pastor Gretchen to learn more.

What do you offer for young adults?

If you feel like a young adult in your heart, you are invited to join us for meaningful connection, mindful service and lots of fun! Anyone over 18 can participate in our young adult events. We eat brunch, go on hikes and discover the ways we can best use our gifts for the good of the world. Learn more about Young Adult programming, browse the calendar or contact Pastor Gretchen to learn more.