Our Redeemer's Blog

VBS at Our Redeemer’s | July 29 – August 2

Keep Your Kids Busy July 29-Aug 2nd (9:00am – noon) at Vacation Bible School at Our Redeemer’s!


“God’s New Creation” is about the importance of animals in farmers lives around the world. For families living in poverty or hunger, eggs from chickens, milk from goats or meat from pigs can provide important nutrition and money for other needs.

“God’s New Creation” features be large- and small-group activities, crafts, games, snacks, music, and more!

Each day kids will meet some animal friends who are helping God end hunger around the world. They will get to travel with these friends to some of the places where they live and learn about the people they live with and the projects they are part of. (All these animals are part of the ELCA’s Good Gifts program, which helps farmers around the world.)

Register soon! The cost is just $75!

Sign up by July 3rd using this online form: https://rebrand.ly/wkbt6zt

Email your registration or get your questions answered to Pastor Thomas (pastorthomas@ourredeemers,net).

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