We are planning our congregational trip to Holden Village next summer, July 31-August 6, 2022! We hope that you can join us. Our trip is 6 nights long, and meals are included.
Based on what is currently listed on Holden’s website as of this writing, the cost is $510/person for adults, $390 for kids ages 4-17, with kids 3 and under free. If you are a two parent family, there is a flat rate of $1,848 for 6 nights, and a one parent family is $1,260. These costs are very much subject to change, so please bear that in mind as you are planning. You will also be responsible for purchasing your boat tickets on the Lady of the Lake as well to have passage to Holden Village.
We will try and reserve a group of 40 places, but, because of the pandemic, it remains to be seen the number of spots we can reserve.
The required deposit will be $100 per person, due December 1, 2021, along with the form (downloadable using link at top of page or available at church). All people who are eligible to be vaccinated must show proof of vaccination to enter the Village.
If you have questions about Holden Village, or what it’s like, please visit their website at www.holdenvillage.org. If you have questions about financial assistance or scholarships, please contact Pastor Gretchen for a private conversation.
Deposits of $100 per person to attend are due December 1st. Pick up the registration form at the office or DOWNLOAD THE REGISTRATION FORM.