written by Mandy Neill
I thank my God every time I remember you, constantly praying with joy in every one of my prayers for all of you, because of your sharing in the gospel from the first day until now. – Philippians 1:3-5
As people of God and followers of Jesus, we know that God has no hands on the Earth but ours, and no eyes but ours, and no mouths but ours. The work of God on the Earth is ours to do. Thanks be to God for this overwhelming list of beautiful souls that have answered God’s call to be of use in this community in tangible and real ways! This is how we show up in the world – as love embodied with every stitch, meal, song, meeting, plan, repair, lesson, committee and laugh! From advocating for justice to remembering our heritage to building for the future, we thank God for you and your willingness to serve. Blessings to you, and thank you for being a blessing to God!
Amy Borgmeyer
Amy Hammett
Andrew Shimer
Anita Lewis
Ava Haroldson
Barb Dougherty
Barb Moen
Barbara Smith
Ben Kalina
Betsy McGregor
Bob Carlson
Brenna Campbell
Candace Todd
Carl Christensen
Carolyn Davis
Cathy Frannson
Chris Kalinski
Christine Skow
Cindy Anderson
Cindy Ege
Connie Sandstrom
Corey Cox
Dana Wright
Dave Eicke
David McBride
Dena Weller
(and daughter)
Denny Palmason
Diana Myers
Dinah Coble
Donna Lansberry
Ed Kloth
Eliza Prentice
Emilie Purvine
Eric Johnson
Eric Olson
Eric Running
Erica Prentice
Erin Miller
Fred Flickinger
Guy Michaelson
Harold Dickinson-
Hazel Prentice
Holly Gundacker
Iris Minus
Jana Brady
Janet Woodfield
Jerri Harden
Joanna Elizondo
Jodi Somm
John Borgmeyer
John Somm
Johnna Michaelson
Jolanta Grigsby
Jordan Holt
Judith Malmgren
Judy Chambers
Judy Wright
Julianna Rigg- Hillard
Julie Lowe
Julie Vannoy
Karen Carlson
Kari Guddal
Karlie Savo
Katharine Chrisman
Katy Ellingsen
Kris Rogness
Kristin Miller
Kyle McBride
Kyra Ege
Lake Neill
Lars Sveum
Liam Dugaw
Linda Carbone
Linda Christensen
Lisa Thompson
Lisa Watkins
Lorna Williams
Lucy Watkins
Lynne McNeill
Malaika Dugaw
Marco Cerrato
Margaret Berg
Maria Kalina
Marie Brissette
Marie Nordquist-
Marjorie Minus
Mary Martha
Mary Peters
Mary Peterson
Matt Grover
Meagan Minus-
Metriese Wayne
Michael Hammett
Mike Hlastala
MJ McDermott
Morgan Fowler
Nancy Oldenkamp
Niels Running
Noel Wannebo
Oskar Somm
Pamela Altman
Pamela Anderson
Paul Grigsby
Paul Kalina
Paula Hlastala
Phillipa Dugaw
Rachel Stenberg
Rachel Trussell
Randy Smith
Rebecca Dugopolski
Ross Coble
Ryan Mertes
Sally Parker-
Sam Purvine
Sam Trussell
Sandy Box
Sarah Bod
Scott Chrisman
Shelbe Kukowski
Sherry Rosing
Sonja Braasch
Stephanie Fowler
Stephanie Running
Steve Cromwell
Sue Schoolcraft
Susan Fegler
Tad Anderson
Tamara Anderson
Tim Dugaw
Tim Hunter
Tom Bernard
Tricia Kloth
Victoria Gibson
Weller Mertes
Wilson Ellingsen
Zeke Mertes