Worship is a large part of our life together as a church. We best represent that life in our worship services with the many gifts shared through prayer, reading, greeting, welcoming, guiding, and sharing of the sacraments. Our Sign-Up Genius online allows you to get involved as you feel moved—signing up for one or more roles helps our sharing of God’s works to and through us!
It is sometimes intimidating to serve; and often it is fraught with questions:
“Am I holding the plate right?”
“Will I come up at the right time?”
“Am I pronouncing that word OK?”
“How do I present this reverently?”
If you have served, or have a desire to serve at worship, and need a refresher or some direction, Pastor Thomas is glad to help you feel confident in your role. Would you like to write prayers of the people? Would you like to both serve at the table and read the scriptures? Would you like to embolden the drama of the liturgy and learn to embody reverence and grace? All these things are possible and more.
Contact Pastor Thomas if you are interested or sign up to help out online. Thank you for what you do!