Our Redeemer's Blog

What is the LiVE Project, Anyway?

LiVE (rhymes with “give”) is an acronym for Living into Vocational Engagement. LiVE is a ministry of the Northwest Washington Synod, ELCA. It’s a lay learning community forming Christian leaders who are able to make sense of God’s world and our place in it. LiVE offers a flexible, hybrid model of learning available to everyone in our congregation. Some courses are offered on Zoom on weekday evenings. Day retreats are offered in person on Saturdays. New this year are “co-horts”: groups of folks who meet to discuss the courses and retreats and how the learning relates to their personal or ministry context.

Chosen: A Study in God’s People-Creating Project
Saturday, September 23, 9 AM – 4 PM | location TBA 

From the time of Abraham and Sarah, God has been creating and fashioning a people with an important purpose in this world. Born out of barrenness and liberation, the people of God have been on a long journey marked by promise, peril, and tragedy. This event invites you to consider how God’s ongoing work to shape a people continues today. Whether you are new to Scripture or a seasoned Bible reader, this day will bring you new insight and inspiration for growing closer to the God who chooses people for a life of calling and connection.

You can find a sample of the 2023-2024 LiVE Course Catalog: 

CLICK HERE (https://rb.gy/cwmo0). 

Email welcome@ourredeemers.net for more information about registering for classes.

Mark your calendar for LiVE’s first offering, “Chosen,” a day-long retreat on September 23rd (you won’t want to miss it!).