The Year in Review
Over the past twelve months, we have seen a great deal of progress on our Vision-Aligned Building (VAB) project.
In August, the congregation voted to proceed with a fall capital campaign, Build the Vision… Share the Vision. A committee was then formed to plan and implement the campaign under the guidance of our professional fundraising consultant, Pastor Steve Olson. During this time, members of the VAB Team held ongoing meeting with our architect, Susan Jones, to make refinements to the project concept design plans based on input received from the congregation over the summer. Over 100 members came to look at the revised concept design plans created by our architect at the Taste and See gala event on November 5, and the Build the Vision… Share the Vision campaign was officially underway. During the course of the campaign, we received pledges in excess of $820,000, surpassing our $800,000 goal.
In December, at the direction of the VAB Team, our architects submitted applications for renovation work on our Fellowship Hall. The applications were fast-tracked and approved in less than two months, and the congregation voted to expend up to $200,000 on the Fellowship Hall phase of the VAB project at a congregational meeting on March 5, which included approximately $50,000 in funds previously raised for hall improvements. LZL Construction began work on the hall on April 24th, and all that now remains is carpet installation, expected mid-July. When complete, the renovated hall will include shower facilities for our Road2Housing guests, washer and drier for general use, new storage area, carpeting, lighting, flooring, acoustical improvements, new paint/color scheme and more.
The VAB team is currently finalizing Request for Proposals for work on the rest of the building-wide VAB project, and hope to begin the next phase in the summer of 2018. The VAB Team is: Mike Hlastala, Jim Arnold, Pastor Kathy Hawks, Kirsten Malone, Ryan Mertes, Guy Michaelsen, and Don Boelter, Parish Administrator.