Tree of Healing VBS!
July 11-15, 9 AM – 12 PM | Our Redeemer’s
registration is open
Calling all kids aged 4 – 11! Vacation Bible School is July 11-15 from 9 am – 12 pm, with optional afternoon activities for kids aged 8-11. We will be partnering this year with Phinney Ridge Lutheran Church, and are looking forward to making new friends and have a blast together!
Over the course of the week of VBS, we will explore the themes of healing and wholeness through the window of God’s creation. This VBS was developed by our friends at ELCA World Hunger, and is a gift to us from that ministry. We are grateful! Our daily themes will be “Roots of Creation,” “Healthy Minds and Bodies,” “Different Bodies, Different Gifts,” “Healthy Grief” and “Bearing Fruit.” We will use stories, games, music, crafts, and of course, snacks to help kids renew their relationships with God and each other after such a long stretch of on and off involvement together.
VBS registration is $30 to cover materials and snacks. If your big kids are staying for the afternoon adventure, they will need to pack a lunch as well.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Do you have time to help with VBS this summer? We need caring adults and youth to help lead sessions, and work with age-specific groups of kids. Contact Pastor Gretchen if you have questions or would like to volunteer. VBS takes a village, and it is SO much fun! Please join us.