“I am not ashamed of the
gospel of Jesus Christ; it is God’s saving power for everyone who trusts in God.”
– Romans 1:16
Many of us feel drawn to church because the Spirit calls us to be generous. This helps us be who we always think we should be, but let’s face it, on our own, it can be challenging. We come to church to become more faithful people. Many of the ways the church influences us are subtle, and we find ourselves returning time and time again for guidance.
We are generous in many different ways.
And the Spirit’s guidance isn’t always specific—it can be ephemeral. But then there’s that awkward time of year when the church explicitly asks us to be materially generous toward the church itself! And—you guessed it—that time is coming. Generosity Sundays are coming from October 22 through November 12.
This year, we’re taking a different approach. Rather than sending out pledge cards, we are using our generosity stories to encourage each other to move to monthly electronic donations or update our donations if we are already doing so. As a church, we find ourselves called to be unashamed in this ask of our congregation, and it is our hope that you will be equally unashamed in your giving.
The money we give goes directly to Our Redeemer’s operating budget, which does everything from paying our staff, to keeping the lights on, to offering our social justice tithing and gifts to our larger church, to, this year, replacing our roof! We are a thriving and financially solvent church, and that is possible only thanks to your generosity.
So, this Fall, please allow the Spirit to move you toward generosity as it always does, and toward generosity back to the church as well. It is only through our tithes and offerings that we are able to do this thing—to come together as believers encouraging one another through the Spirit to be more generous—to be more faithful people of God.
– Jon Wright, on behalf of the Generosity Team