Our Redeemer’s is signed up for the LIVE Project this year and you get to attend at no cost! They include:
- THREE MINI-Course offerings for you to sign up for this Fall! and
- Two in-person retreat options for you to register for as well.
- Our Redeemer’s has paid the registration fee for full participation so that you can take the classes for FREE. All you have to do is to click the link to register for the class that interests you!
Fall Mini-Course Offerings:
Mini-Course Offering | Wednesdays 6:30-8pm Sept. 21, 28, Oct. 5, 12, 26, Nov. 2, 9, 16
Womanist interpretation is a growing field in Biblical Studies and Christian Theology. It is rooted in the lived experience of African American women from whose perspective people of faith can hear and understand, in new and fresh ways, God’s movement and voice in our world. Over this 8-session course you will explore Scripture from a Womanist lens, and how such readings move us to public, prophetic witness in our various callings as people of faith.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Mini-Course Offering | Mondays 6:30-8pm | Sept 26, Oct. 3, 17, 24, and Saturday, Nov. 5 (participants will determine time of last class).
Using the research of Fuller Youth Institute’s “Growing Young” study, we will learn key concepts and behaviors that are found in congregations who actively engage youth and young people. We will explore the “6 Core Commitments” that these types of congregations display and learn how to implement them in our own contexts. Any congregation can be successful in ministry with young people, no matter what size, age, demographics, and location. Who should attend? Any and all leaders who are interested in welcoming young people more fully into their congregations! You can be a council member, lay, clergy, youth worker, youth, young adult, grandparent, anyone who cares about young people.
Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEvf-qrrz4oEt174W5Kf_XCoMQSW_8eGwNq
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Tuesdays 6:30-7:30pm | 12 Sessions: Sept 27, Oct. 4, 11, 18, 25, Nov. 1, 8, 15, 29, Dec. 6, 13, 20
Various rostered ministers in our synod will co-facilitate a weekly study of Willie James Jennings’ book, Acts: A Theological Commentary on the Bible. Purchase of the book is encouraged, although not a necessary requirement to fully participate. We would love to have you join us in this creative adventure in the Spirit – Drop in any time! All studies will be video recorded and posted for later viewing on the online learning platform.
Join any or all drop-in Zoom Bible study Sessions: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82209850836?pwd=ZS9sRm1HVFhLUDZZWkxXa3ppTm1oQT09 (Zoom Meeting ID: 822 0985 0836 Passcode: Acts)
First Retreat: “Spirit Stirring & Story Telling”
Saturday, October 8 | 9AM-3PM | Advent Lutheran Church, Mill Creek
Retreat Description: Our personal and collective stories give the context for noticing the Holy Spirit in our lives. Through them, we discover the challenges and opportunities before us to give witness to God, and to be discerning of the responsibilities in the world to which we are called to engage. This first retreat invites us to hear the various ways the Spirit meets us in the stories we find ourselves in. Lunch will be provided; child care provided upon request.
Register Here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe_lmMn-vaunds18J9YLPK04V9EPvn2Ry6rkrc2ZAaITmsXNg/viewform?usp=pp_url
Second Retreat: “The Spirituality of Waiting”
Saturday, December 3 | 9AM-3PM | Our Redeemer’s Lutheran Church in Seattle
Retreat Description: How will we wait? The Art of Gathering by Priya Parker invites unique ways we explore the contours of waiting and community interaction. The season of Advent gives us an opportunity to pause, and to consider how our ways of gathering open up space to be God‘s people. Come and experience practical tips for how you and your communities of faith can deepen their callings by cultivating communities of belonging and inclusion. Lunch will be provided; child care provided upon request.
Register Here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeRJ-aempJZcsD9tBtmQBOzW_u5FGc9vv6c9o2y2YZ5Pg7qGA/viewform?usp=pp_url
Step-by-Step Process to Register & Maximize Participation:
Step One: Click the link to register for the course you are interested. The zoom link for each particular course will be emailed to you after you write out your name, email, and congregation. Save this zoom link so that you can access the course when it begins according to the set times and days for each course.
Step Two: Once you have registered for the course, and received the zoom link, we invite you to join the online learning platform for the LiVE Project. You can click the following link to join, https://theliveproject.mn.co/feed. We will also email you an invitation to join this online learning network to participate.
Step Three: Download the “Mighty Networks” app on your phone. Once you download the app search for “The LiVE Project”, and join this network. Keep in mind that you will need to sync up the account you began if you created it on a desktop. The gift of having the app is that you can follow along with all the content, written and videos, from your cell phones.
Further Support: If you would like tech support do not hesitate to email david@lutheransnw.org for further assistance. We want to make this process as seamless as possible so please do not hesitate to reach out. We are glad to help you!
- What is LiVE? LiVE is an acronym for Living into Vocational Engagement. This program invites lay leaders to spiritually integrate their callings in daily life with the on-going learnings of Christian life, theology and faith, and in partnership with other congregational leaders throughout our synod.
- Can I “dip-in and dip-out”? Dipping in and out means participating as your schedule allows. We know that people’s lives are busy and that not everyone can participate every week. That is precisely why we have the online learning platform. The platform helps you to view the content and videos on your own time and availability.
- What about those who are not savvy with technology? What suggestions do you have for them? We have two suggestions. First, reach out to our support team and request assistance by emailing us at david@lutheransnw.org. Second, we invite congregational teams to gather together in-person to view the video recordings and to host an on-going conversation among various ministry groups in your congregation.
- How can I maximize participation in the LiVE Project? We believe those who get the greatest benefit from LiVE are those who join the online network, participate in zoom online interaction, and who come to the in-person retreats to meet other participants face to face. The changing nature of faith formation in the 21st century involves becoming a networked learning community across the boundaries of our congregations. The more willing we are to extend and involve ourselves with others in this learning journey the greater the benefits for us all in living int our callings as God’s people in this world.