Is God calling you to “Journey” this year?
Sundays, February 28 thru March 21
4:00 – 5:30 PM
Zoom Link or
Join by Phone Call: +1 (206) 337-9723
Meeting ID: 944 1193 2327
Passcode: 940650
Do you want to know more about becoming a member of Our Redeemer’s community and/or deepening your faith? We invite you to take part in “The Journey”.
The JOURNEY is a chance to:
- Get acquainted with members and ministries that make up Our Redeemer’s.
- Learn how Our Redeemer’s’ understanding of God and the Bible may or may not be what you’re familiar with.
- Ask questions and share experiences and figure out where you’d like to be involved.
- Spend time with God’s vision for Our Redeemer’s’ future: What’s planned? What’s still being shaped? How can you participate?
- Start to feel more like you belong.
Last year, sadly, we had to stop right in the middle of the Journey due to COVID precautions. Now, we’re MUCH more zoom savvy – and, probably, Zoom weary. SO, we’re shortening and changing things.
Take a look, and then let Pastor Kathy (kathyh@ourredeemers.net) or Pastor Gretchen (pastor.gretchen@ourredeemers.net) know, if you’d like to be a part of the Journey or if you have any questions.
We’ll meet four Lenten Sunday afternoons from 4 to 5:30PM on Zoom: February 28, March 7, March 14, and March 21.
The Journey is a great way to connect with this wonderful community of faith. Is God calling you to “Journey” this year?