by Carolyn Swanson
WHEN: Each Wednesday at 10:30 am until noon beginning September 14.
WHAT: The History and Archaeology of the Bible. We will delve into the iconic stories of the Bible through the eyes of historians and archeologists and discover how their findings bring fascinating and revealing perspectives to the world-shaping texts of Scripture.
WHY: The Bible has impacted our culture perhaps more than any other written work. Whether we know it or not, its influence on our religious, spiritual, and philosophical conceptions; our notions of morality and social justice; and on Western art, literature, and history would be hard to exaggerate. Of course, the Bible is not a history book. It’s a book of faith, and, above all its writings have religious and spiritual intent. Yet, each of its stories originated in a particular place and time, and many of them intersect meaningfully with what we know about the ancient world.
HOW: By Zoom. Wherever you are in this world, you can receive the link to this study. It is a rare opportunity to open up the work of historians and archaeologists as they bring their methods and insights to bear on the beloved narratives of the Bible. Throughout, the lessons are enriched with 3D models, hundreds of vibrant images, and many of the greatest works of Western art.
WHO: Taught by Jean-Pierre Isbouts, a National Geographic contributor, eminent biblical historian and award-winning filmmaker, these 24 detailed lessons include 47 video sequences, bringing alive key narratives of the Bible and their historical settings, and taking us to ancient places such as: the spot on Mt. Sinai where tradition says God spoke to Moses; the renowned Roman trade crossroads of Petra; the Roman Scythopolis; and the Mount of Beatitudes, held to be the spot where Jesus delivered his great sermon.
Let Carolyn know if you are interested in Zooming in! Call her at 206-390-7732 or cdkswan@gmail.com.
Carolyn says: “I hope you can catch the tone of excitement I have in bringing this course to us. Called The History and Archaeology of the Bible, taught by a man of faith, we will experience over and over the miraculous event of Jesus entering our world and the work of the Holy Spirit continuing in us to this very moment.
Revealed will be eye-opening perspectives on Biblical narratives such as: the flood, the ark, the spiritual meaning of towers; the Kingship of David, evidence supporting the story of Samuel; Israel under the Assyrians. Also included are the New Testament stories of Jesus, his birth, his early life, and the Roman world in which he lived. Continuing, this study examines the world of the Gospels, the Passover Events in Jerusalem, and the rise of Christianity.”