This fall our Sunday Adult forums are at 10:00 am in the Fellowship Hall. Everyone is invited! Join us for:
Parables: Hunting for Hidden Truth – Three Sundays a month we’ll engage in a deeper discussion, facilitated by a variety of teachers, around the Parables of Jesus. So often we try to apply an Aesop’s fable-type moral to these puzzling stories of Jesus. In reality, they’re more like a Buddhist Koan – something to be wrestled with and teased apart until a hidden truth emerges. Join us on this weekly treasure hunt into the stories you thought you knew! Kickoff is on September 17th in the Fellowship Hall.
Experiential Church – One Sunday a month we’re experimenting with a way of getting out of our Lutheran tendency towards heady faith and experiencing it instead through creativity, nature, and embodiment. Each month we’ll have a different facilitator bringing new ways of engaging our faith through things like art, nature walks, breath prayers, etc. This will also have an intergenerational component as well; O-Rock will have a similar focus for the same week, and youth are more than welcome to join the adults. Starts September 24th, then the 2nd Sunday of the month after that.