Sundays, 10:10 AM | Fellowship Hall
This fall our Sunday Adult forums have two themes. All are welcome!
Parables: Hunting for Hidden Truth – For 3 weeks of each month we’ll hear from various facilitators, diving deep into Jesus’ parables. In our western culture, we’ve been trained to view the Parables as moralistic fairy tales. In reality, they were meant to be wrestled, teased apart, and ultimately to turn our conventional wisdom on its head – once coined “spiritual hand grenades.” As Jesus said, “come and see…”
Experiential Church – On the 2nd Sunday of each month, we’ll stop merely talking about God and stretch ourselves to experience our faith through different aspects of life each week such as creativity, nature, and embodiment. Each month a different facilitator will bring new ways of engaging our faith and prayer lives through things like art, nature walks, body prayers, and more. Some weeks O-Rock will also participate. Middle and high school youth are welcome to join the adults each month.