Our Redeemer's Blog

Shop Back-to-School Sales for LWR

Shop Back-to-School Sales for Neighbors Around the World!

We’re collecting school supplies to put together 100 school kits for Lutheran World Relief! A basket is available at church to drop off purchased school supplies. In September we assemble them to share with children around the world! Thank you for what you can contribute.

Back-to-School Shopping List

__ 70-sheet notebooks of wide-or college-ruled paper, approximately 8×10½”; no loose leaf paper. (This is our TOP priority item, as four go into each kit, a total of 400 total.) 

__ 30-centimeter shatter-proof rulers, or a ruler with centimeters on one side and inches on the other 

__ Pencil sharpeners (2 holes with cover)

__ Pairs of blunt scissors (safety scissors with embedded steel blades work well)

__ 2½” erasers

__ UNsharpened #2 pencils with erasers

__ Black or blue ballpoint pens – no gel ink

__ Boxes of 24 crayons