Our Redeemer's Blog

Reflect and Pray: Build the Vision… Share the Vision!


Generosity Sunday, November 6
Theme: All Saints
Reflect: Beyond the basic lesson of sharing, others model generosity for us. Who are some of those people in your life? How will you model generosity for others through this Campaign?
Pray: Give thanks for the saints in your life who taught you to share and modeled generosity for you.

Monday, November 7
Theme: Creation – Our Need to Give
Reflect: What does it mean to be created in God’s image? God is the giver of all that is good. What does it mean to reflect God’s love and generosity to others?
Pray: That others will be able to see the light of Christ reflected through you.

Tuesday, November 8
Theme: Mission & Ministry – Our Opportunity to Give
Reflect: How this Campaign will further our mission and ministry in Transforming Spirituality, Deepening Community, and Inviting People In.
Pray: That this building project will enhance and transform our facility as a tool for mission and ministry.

Wednesday, November 9
Theme: Needs – Our Reason to Give
Reflect: Who are the people we need to reach in our Community?
Pray: That our eyes will be opened to see the needs of others.

Thursday, November 10
Theme: Faith – Our Desire to Give
Reflect: What Christ has done for the world and in my life, and how I can respond in faith.
Pray: That by sharing our treasures, we will grow in faith.

Friday, November 11
Theme: Blessings – Our Ability to Give
Reflect: What proportion of all that has been entrusted to me will I share for this Campaign?
Pray: That we will grow in the proportion we will share.

Saturday, November 12
Theme: Asking – Our Invitation to Give
Reflect: I have received the invitation. I will I respond with my gifts and pledges?
Pray: That our hearts will be open to respond to the invitation with joy and thanksgiving.

Celebration Sunday, November 13
Theme: Celebrating ORLC
Reflect: What does this community of faith, Our Redeemer’s Lutheran Church, mean to me?
Pray: That our shared gifts and commitments will be used for the glory of God in and through Our Redeemer’s Lutheran Church and Build the Vision . . . Share the Vision!