Our Redeemer's Blog

New Welcome Ministry Volunteer Roles

You may have noticed that every single week, we have had new folks visiting Our Redeemers. It’s very exciting! We strive to extend the hospitality of Christ to each person who walks through our doors, and we have two new Welcome Ministry volunteer roles that will help us to do that:

Hospitality Hosts – If you are someone who can tolerate making conversation with new folks, this is the perfect volunteer role for you! Hospitality Hosts are folks who make an effort to introduce themselves to new faces they see in the service. No need to sign up for certain dates, no required training (although helpful tips will be provided). This is a VITAL role, so if you’re willing to try it out, let me know!

Welcome Ambassadors – We are currently in the process of training some folks to be Welcome Ambassadors. The role of the Welcome Ambassador will be to help extend hospitality and any needed guidance to those occasional visitors who might not fit within our standard behavioral norms.

If you’re interested in either of these roles, please email Mandy at welcome@ourredeemers.net.

Our Redeemer’s Blog

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