Sundays, 10:10 AM | Fellowship Hall
Now Is the Time: A Study Guide for the ELCA Declaration to
People of African Descent
This Lent, we are going to take an intentional deep dive into the ELCA’s new social statement on race in America. This study guide provides an avenue for the “realization, self-examination, and accountability required to ‘apologize to people of African descent for the church’s complicity in slavery and its enduring legacy of racism in the United States and globally.”
As the community of Christ in our neighborhood, we are being offered an opportunity to read, discuss, learn from, and struggle with this statement and everything it implies for us as a primarily white Lutheran congregation. This social statement is available for you to read and download here – LINK.
We recommend that you read it, print it out, mark it up, and bring your thoughts and questions and feelings with you to this study. The sessions will be led by Elizabeth Dickinson, Marie Brissette, and Pastor Gretchen. We hope that you will enter in to this transformative study with an open heart.