Our Redeemer's Blog

Join the Church Council

Our Church Council Is Looking for a Few Good People – How About You?

It’s an exciting time for our congregation, our capacity to serve God and our neighbors, and for expanding our ability to offer grace and hope to all people – without exception! 

Would you like to help lead Our Redeemer’s into the future, aligning our ministries with God’s vision (and our strategic plan), and being responsible for the financial and property matters that support our mission? Do you have patience for consensus-building, differences of opinion and, yes, on occasion, long (but productive) meetings?

Interested? Contact Morgan Fowler by email: morgan@eagleiv.com

We hope to increase the diversity of council ages, gender identities, preferred worship time(!), skills and gifts.

If you find yourself pausing to consider this, please check out the link and give serving in this way prayerful consideration.