There are still several ways to be involved in the Giving Tree this year. They are programs we have supported in the past, and that very much need your support this year. Let the spirit of generosity that has flowed through our congregation in the past continue to flow this year!
On Your Own:
Mary’s Place
Each year we count on our community to make sure that kids and parents at Mary’s Place can celebrate the joy of the season and share gifts with each other. And you are always there!
MAKE A CASH DONATION AND WE’LL SHOP FOR YOU: Visit Mary’s Place Giving Tree Tag donation page and make a cash donation that will allow Mary’s Place to directly purchase the most-wanted items on our kids and parents lists this year. If we exceed the capacity of need for gifts this holiday season, we may use your gift towards operational expenses at Mary’s Place where it is most needed.
GIFT CARDS: Send a $10 or $25 gift card from your favorite grocery store so that we can provide one to each of our families! Send to PO Box 1711, Seattle, WA 98111.
FUND A NEED: This holiday season the number one requested item on a family’s wish list is a home! Sometimes it just takes a little bit of support for them to move into a new home, or be able to stay in their home. Maybe it’s the cost of copy of a driver’s license or birth certificate for a rental application, help with a utility bill to keep the heat on, or a bus card to get to and from work. You can fund a need for our families to help them stay housed this winter!
Road2Housing Gifts for our Guests – Give by December 20
We are working to find out what the most pressing needs are for our Road2Housing friends, and Paula Hlastala is coordinating getting those gifts and delivering them safely to them. If you would like to sponsor those gifts, you can donate the funds through our church’s giving routes being sure to note “Our Redeemer’s Giving Tree” in the memo line.