We are a generous congregation, tithing our church giving for “Gifts for Our World”. Three percent of our giving goes to organizations that are “doing justice and loving kindness,” as chosen by the Social Justice Team.
This year we are inviting your input about organizations we can fund.
If you have an organization in mind, let us know by March 6th. Submit the name of the organization, why you believe we should support it, and how it fits with Our Redeemer’s vision and priorities. Drop it off at the church office or send to Elizabeth, our Social Justice Coordinator, at outreach@ourredeemers.net by Sunday, March 6.
Last year, our church supported 26 organizations including the Ballard Food Bank, Black Lives Matter -Seattle/King County, Earth Ministry, Lutheran Immigrant and Refugee Services, Lutheran World Relief, Mental Health Chaplaincy, Paths to Understanding, Reconciling Works, and the Urban Rest Stop, as well as making possible our participation in Ballard Sunday Dinner. If you hope we will continue support for any organization, please let us know!