The Stewardship Team is hard at work, bringing us together for our season of giving and commitment. This year, our theme is “Hand-in-Hand,” which emphasizes how our hands reveal the ways God calls us: our hands lifted in celebration and thanksgiving for the abundance and generosity God has shown us in our giving and work; our hands gathered and joined in prayer and supplication, asking God for what we yearn for in faith and hope, to help us grow in love both inwardly and outwardly as a community in Christ; and our hands joined and outstretched in support, extending God’s work through our giving of ourselves and fulfilling the ministries to which we are called, for the good of our community.
Generosity Sundays will begin on October 20th and conclude on Sunday, November 10th. Save the dates for November 3rd and November 10th especially. On November 3rd, when we observe All Saints Sunday, we will also welcome new members who have recently completed the Journey, remembering, gathering, and supporting members of Christ’s church, both past and present. The Stewardship Team will offer a presentation during the 10:00 hour, recognizing all the gifts and commitments you provide in God’s name as members of Christ’s church. On November 10th, Commitment Sunday, we will focus on the ways we will support Our Redeemer’s mission and ministries. We will collect Commitment Cards during the services on that day.