Contributed by Shannon Beck, Our Redeemer’s Social Justice Coordinator
Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad; let the sea resound, and all that is in it.
12 Let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them; let all the trees of the forest sing for joy.
-Psalm 96:11-12
Even in a pandemic, and perhaps especially now, we honor God’s earth, our home. During Covid-19, there is the possibility to shift our behaviors partly spurred by the crisis.
Here’s how you can honor Earth Day on April 22 and beyond.
Some simple tips:
- Bring your own bottle! Reduce and work toward eliminating single use plastics
- Reuse Ziploc bags
- Buy bulk dry foods in lieu of packaged items
- Take public transportation – with adequate Covid-19 protection
- Make fewer trips to the grocery. This cuts down on purchases, plastics, and gas
Connect with Washington Interfaith Power and Light and Earth Ministry
Join via Zoom at 5:30-6:30pm on Earth Day, Wednesday, April 22
Register Here for a casual virtual conversation to check in, share what’s happening with your congregation, and reflect on how we can carry the message of Earth Day moving forward. Staff will also briefly share about the release of our new action toolkit.
Join Lutheran World Relief’s Face Mask Challenge
Can you sew? Join the 75,000 Face Mask Challenge! COVID-19 is threatening vulnerable communities, and Lutheran World Relief urgently needs cloth face masks to send to them. The cloth mask you sew in your living room will provide love and protection to a neighbor in need halfway around the world. How many will you make to help stop the spread? Sign up for more info.
Support and learn from our partner, Earth Ministry. Enjoy this 20 minute video that focuses on interfaith work.
Looking for some kids resources? Here is a list of children’s books. Consider ordering from The Secret Garden in Ballard to support local business. LINK
Deepen your understanding through your reading. Here are some suggestions:
You are here by Thomas M. Kostingen This is an accessible read and a 101 for people interested in a primer on earthcare. LINK
The Mad Farmer Poems by Wendell Berry. Theologian/poet/farmer/author Wendell Berry is always a win. This collection of poems is classic and always timely. LINK