Our Redeemer's Blog

Council Member Bio: Erica Prentice

Hello from the desk of council member Erica! I’ve been a member of Our Redeemer’s for around ten years. I live here in Ballard and I have two daughters at Whitman Middle School. I started here looking for a loving and supportive community in which my daughters could grow up. In the end it’s me that has also “grown up” here and have felt much love and support from this amazing community. In my life outside of the Our Redeemer’s community I am an Environmental Chemist, Girl Scout leader, music lover, avid skier, hiker, rock climber, mountain biker, and, in general, mountain mama that can also be found at times floating in the sound on a stand up paddle board! 

All our love to this amazing community, 

Erica, Hazel, Eliza, and Rafari the seal stuffie!