Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/822691346
Join by Phone Call: +1 (206) 337-9723
Meeting ID: 822 691 346
Most years, Our Redeemer’s has three congregational meetings: one in the fall; one in the winter; and one in late June/early July. The first two are more informational and conversational than official. Usually, there are no votes, just updates.
The last couple years, various matters relating to the renovation, and then the pandemic, have interrupted that rhythm. This winter, we return to it.
Join your friends on February 7 for updates on:
- Our Redeemer’s finances.
- The vision-aligned building project progress.
- Staff Community Engagement Planning for Renovated Facilities.
- Faith Formation Grant and Progress.
This meeting is also an opportunity to bring our questions. Topical break out rooms relating to the presentations will be available, and also, three additional break-out rooms on Governance, Communications and Relationship-Building. Be sure to come!
If you have any difficulties or questions relating to accessing this meeting, please call Katlin Dickinson-Laurence at 206-783-7900 or email her.