Our Redeemer's Blog

Children and Youth Faith Formation Update 

By Betsy McGregor

Our Children’s Faith Formation programs aim to help children and youth understand what it means to be a person of faith. We offer four programs for various ages to support kids in their faith journey.

Sprouts is a faith program for children ages 3-5, taught by the wonderful Mr. Dana during the 9:00 am service.

O-Rock, which stands for Our Redeemer’s Outstanding Church Kids, is our faith program for kids ages 6-10. It is taught by a rotating group of wonderful volunteers and is held between services from 10:00 – 11:00 am.

Confirmation class, led by Stephanie Fowler and Michael Hammett, runs throughout the year and is for middle school youth in grades 7 and 8.

Andrew Shimer leads an engaging game of D&D and is responsible for planning and leading monthly youth nights of fun and food.

In my role as the lead for Youth Faith Formation, I’ve been asked about not running the children’s program concurrently with both services. O-Rock and Confirmation are scheduled at 10:00 am to allow parents to participate in the between-service Adult Faith Formation classes. We believe strongly that children should be part of worship, even if they are coloring in the back.

Can You Help Out?

We are in need of volunteers who can serve as the second adult when classes are held for Sprouts and O-Rock. We have adopted a policy that adults working with children need to do so with another adult, whether we have one or ten kids attending. The second adult can assist as needed but doesn’t need to teach the class. If you can volunteer one Sunday a month between now and June, please contact Betsy McGregor at bemac7309@gmail.com for more information or to volunteer.