Our Redeemer's Blog

Centering Prayer, 6:30 PM Wednesdays

by Danielle Modeen and Pastor Kathy Hawks

Silence can be one of the most healing realities there is. When we’re not used to it, we may feel awkward or uncomfortable, but even so, the quiet of a night without jets in the sky or Netflix in the background is often just what our souls need.

Each Wednesday at 6:30 PM, take part in the gift of 30 minutes of quiet prayer. 

Danielle Modeen, who has decades of experience in both Buddhist meditation and Centering Prayer, will lead us with 10 minutes of quiet music or chant, followed by 20 minutes of silence, and then a 2-3 minute reading. Those who come to prayer remain quiet the whole time.

Simple guidelines for Centering Prayer will always be available on Zoom chat. But this is not a way of praying just for specially-gifted people. It is simply for anyone who feels drawn to it, and wants to be more open to God.

Zoom Meeting Information:

Join by phone call: +1 (206) 337-9723

Meeting ID: 984 1700 9634

Passcode: 132934

We hope you can come.