Centering Prayer Returns
Wednesdays, 4:00-4:30PM – In Person
Be still and know that I am God. -Psalm 46:10
When was the last time you felt deeply peaceful? In touch with yourself? Or open to God?
Centering prayer is simply a way we seek to open ourselves to God, whom we know by faith is within us, closer than breathing, closer than thinking, closer than choosing – and beyond the limits of our thoughts.
These are ancient practices, and give us a chance to cultivate silence, perhaps carrying some with us into our daily lives.
At Our Redeemer’s, we begin with recorded Gregorian chant at 3:50 PM – through 4:10 PM; then a bell is rung, and we are quiet for 20 minutes, with a word we’ve chosen to help us remember our aim of being open to God (“peace”, “grateful”, or something else that has perhaps been a channel to God for us in the past). We return to the word again and again, for focus. And at 4:30 PM the bell is rung again. Danielle Modeen, our leader, always shares a very brief prayer or reading. And then we depart.
This is not a dramatic time. And the only participation it requires from you is our willingness to be present, be quiet, and be open. As we return week after week, the stillness and sometimes the insights that arise in us, become a gift and an anchor in our week.
Please join us! If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Kathy.