Our Redeemer's Blog

Care for Creation Bible Study

It’s 11am on Wednesday, and instead of my usual spot at the desk in the church office, I’m sitting at the table in the Library at Bible Study. I look around, aware of the difference between seeing names in an email or in our database and hearing the thoughts and prayers of the actual people attached to those names. Since the focus of Bible Study is Caring for Creation, today we’re talking about water. Our teacher, Carolyn Swanson, asks us to share a memory about water in our lives. Some share memories of swimming or fishing; someone else remembers drawing water from a well as a child. We learn that if you fill a bathtub with 30 gallons of water, one gallon represents the fresh water on earth, and of that gallon, one teaspoon represents the amount of water that’s drinkable and accessible. We are all shocked by these statistics, and I make a commitment to be more aware and careful of how I use water – during Lent and beyond! At the end of our class, Carolyn says we’ll talk about the earth next Wednesday.

I am thankful for Parish Administrator Don Boelter’s encouragement and support in making it possible for me to take one hour each week to attend this class, where I can grow spiritually while becoming more connected with some of the great people who are part of Our Redeemer’s community. I’m also thankful to Nancy OldenKamp, who helps out at the desk during class.

-Susan Frederick, Office and Communications Coordinator

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