Carolyn Davis
I have been Lutheran for several generations and am lucky that my family picked Our Redeemers when Mom was looking for a new church in the early 1980s. It is a church family I love. I was confirmed here, active in the youth group as a teen and resumed being an active member a few years after college. Today, I participate in the Social Justice committee and am a supporter of Compass Housing though we are not active in a hands-on way currently. During the Christmas season, I lend a hand with the Lucia pageant that draws community members, as well as hospitality efforts at other times of the year. Personally, I don’t have any kids or boyfriend (right now) but my sisters and parents live in Seattle and I see family often. I can’t wait to get back to traveling but a year at home with my garden was an ok way to ride out 2020-2021. Professionally, I’m an analyst and manager at a firm involved in leasing, property management and corporate real estate. I am looking forward to the chance to serve on the council during a time of both change and reconciliation with a new building and mission to serve the community.
Stephanie Fowler
A lifelong ELCA Lutheran, I was drawn to Our Redeemer’s Lutheran Church (ORLC) in 2012 by the Safe Parking program. ORLC’s active engagement in service to the immediate community brought me through the doors, but the congregation is why I stayed. It is exciting to be part of a church that doesn’t just state in its mission that it “accepts challenges, takes risks, and grows,” but follows through with it. Yes, we have undertaken challenges and risks through our Vision Aligned Building plan, however, as the end of construction nears, I look forward to the many opportunities for growth this new space will bring, both known and yet to be discovered. By education, I earned my undergraduate degree from Pacific Lutheran University and my Masters in Social Work from the University of Washington. Professionally, I spent 10 years as a child welfare social worker. Now my days (and nights) are spent learning and growing with our children, Henry (6yrs), and Madeleine (2.5 yrs).
Betsy McGregor
I am a retired teacher and school administrator, traveler, sister, aunt, and musician. I started worshiping at Our Redeemer’s in 2014 and became a member in 2015. I have always been drawn to the sense of community I fell at Our Redeemer’s. For me, our church is a true representation of who Jesus wants us aspire to be. My greatest pleasure is playing with the worship band at the 9:00 service. I am usually behind the piano loving every minute. When I retired I was approached to lead the Faith Formation Team to revitalize our Children’s program. We are committed to creating an engaging program for our littlest members on through young adulthood and look forward to launching the program in conjunction with our new sanctuary. Being part of our Church’s Council presents me with the gift of continuing to serve our loving community.