(by way of Rector Bill Danaher, Jr., Christ Church Cranbrook)
Friends, it’s a tense day, and quite likely longer time. These words speak to me and so I share them with you:
I cannot predict who will win the election today. However, our experience four years ago teaches us all an important lesson: The Christian life we share together is precious, and we need to continue to cultivate the gentleness and love we have for one another.
By the grace of God, we have been called to live together in the same space that is Christ’s body. The connection we have together comes from a place that is deeper than our political beliefs. This is a vision we have shared and lived out since this church’s founding, that we would be a place in which the love of God fills our hearts and overflows into the love, and gentleness, we share with all. May that love guide us and comfort us this week and always.
God of Love,
in these times of transition and change,
unite our nation
and guide our leaders {and citizens] with your wisdom.
Give us courage to follow our hopes
and overcome our fears.
Help us to build a future
in which your justice and mercy
flow down like water,
and all prosper and share,
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
(Thanks to Stephanie Running for forwarding.)