Thursday, November 23, 12-1 PM | Our Redeemers
Please sign-up to help out: https://rebrand.ly/1xjhxl7.
Each year, the good folks of Our Redeemer’s host anybody and everybody for a no-cost community meal on Thanksgiving Day. It takes about 80 (or more!) volunteers to pull Thanksgiving off, and it’s an amazing gift not only to those who get to taste it, but especially to those who prepare it and clean it up afterward.
In addition to the essential cooks and servers, we have one very important volunteer position: Table Hosts. Each table will have one person who dines with the folks who are there, helps to make sure that everyone gets food, distributes the free sleeping bag tickets, and gets to know the people with whom they are sitting. It’s a special kind of a job – ensuring that grace is shown and that every person is honored at this meal of gratitude. Other Volunteer roles needed:
•Prepare the meal •Carve the turkeys •Set the tables •Dishing up the meal •Greeting guests •Serving and Clearing •Washing dishes •Cleaning up •Distribute sleeping bags •Photographer
If you have questions contact Lisa Thompson (egglayer@comcast.net) What a great community, and a gracious gift! See you on Thanksgiving.
NOTE: We need your contributions to help with the cost of the Thanksgiving meal, including the purchase of sleeping bags and wool socks for those spending the colder months outside. Please donate: https://rb.gy/jlh85. Thank you!