Our Redeemer's Blog

A Special Message from Stephanie Fowler, Council President

The only constant in life is change.* Here we go, again, bidding farewell to our pastor. Thankfully, this time, we have an Interim Pastor we already know. Pastor David Hahn, who will help guide us through the months ahead and we have a dedicated Call Committee who has already updated our Ministry Site Profile (MSP), resubmitting it to the Synod. We know that no matter the length of time until we call a new pastor, it will not be as quickly as we’d like. We will wait. 

So, while we wait, what can we do? We can continue to live into the vision of this congregation and celebrate the traditions which serve our mission and connect us as a congregation. Can there be the Thanksgiving Community Meal? YES! Blue Christmas? YES! Can there be Beer and Carols? YES! Lucia? YES! Christmas Pageant? YES! When we remain focused on our vision, and work together to make these things happen, they can and will. 

Waiting to call a new pastor does not relegate our congregation to inaction or stagnation. Instead, as we wait, we can reengage with our vision statement strengthen our connection to God and each other and support one another. Seeking to help protect and honor this liminal time, your church council is beginning to nurture relationships within this congregation in a new way by intentionally engaging with each ministry group of this congregation.

As you hear from and see council members at meetings, where we may not have been recently, please know, we are there to listen, connect, and support your ministries. Council members will also help us hold to the vision of our congregation. By engaging in this way, our collective decisions and actions will be we grounded in what has served as the guiding principle for this congregation for a long time. A vision which has directed us with strength and vitality through prior pastoral transitions, multiple capital campaigns, the shock and grief following terrorist attacks, social justice movements, a pandemic, the daily constant that is change, and so much more. 

Our Vision: In the model of Christ and for the life of the world, we are an inclusive, devoted, caring, and spiritual community that accepts challenges, takes risks, and grows.
This is accomplished through: Transforming Spirituality, Deepening relationships,
 and Building Community.

I am sad to say “so long” to Pastor Gretchen, Ryan, Zeke, and Weller. Our congregation has been blessed by their presence and the numerous gifts they have each shared with us over these years. They will be missed. I am also excited for our congregation to discover together what plans and hopes God has for us which we do not yet know. 

*The Greek philosopher, Heraclitus is credited with this idea.