Hello Our Redeemer’s,
I wanted to share my and my wife’s story with you as you might not hear all the success stories from your Road to Housing program. Here is our story:
Deitra and I had both been employed but struggled with addiction. We had been living in our trailer on Aurora and the constant presence and easy access to drugs didn’t help. As our addictions grew work became more difficult to manage to the point where we both ended up losing our jobs.
The road to housing program at Our Redeemer’s was a true gift. It was a refuge from where we had been and gave us time to regroup and bounce back. It became the steppingstone we needed in our lives. It is hard to appreciate the simple things like a hot shower, ability to cook food and clean laundry. That is, until you no longer have these things. Being freshly showered and wearing clean clothes with a full belly-that gives you the ability to feel human and go out to find employment.
Our Redeemer’s opening the doors and welcoming us in brings tears to my eyes still. I can’t say enough good things about the congregation I am so thankful. It sounds corny but I am speaking from my heart. Reflecting on Thanksgiving, for instance, the people that came in and prepared the meal. All that work they did for us. It was amazing. The staff were always friendly and welcoming, seemed to truly care and provided a source of connection for us. And to have the chapel to go into and pray-that became a peaceful anchor. We would also look out at the beautiful view of the P-Patch and that brought another form of peace. We got to know the Ballard P-Patch as well and they gave us fresh produce.
I’m conservative and pretty picky about where taxes go and think many programs fall short on getting people back on track. I think though that the services offered at Our Redeemer’s put us on the road to success.
We lived in our truck for 7-8 years and saved money. Even when we were using we made sure to save 25-30% of our income. As we kicked the drugs, we were able to save even more. We saved enough that we could buy in Thurston County in the Nisqually Valley. We bought our own, stick-built home outright. It is quiet and we feel very safe. We also have wonderful neighbors and are forming a new healthy community for ourselves. We stay motivated to keep doing better.
We wanted to say thank you to Our Redeemer’s and let you know what your program meant to us. Without the steppingstone of your program and the grace, time and services you provided, we don’t know where we’d be. Thankfully, you were there providing these things and our issues now come in the way of the ever-present dandelion struggles in our yard.
Thank you and God bless,
Eric and Deitra Meine