Ask any member of this congregation what the most formative part of their involvement at Our Redeemer’s was, and first they’ll tell you that they felt welcomed. The next thing they’ll say is, “I loved being part of The Journey.” Many folks have participated more than once!
For the five Sundays of Lent, from 4–6 PM, we are all invited to gather to share teaching, scripture, story, and serious snacks. Each week, we focus on a different area of ministry, theology, and growth as people of faith.
From the basics of how Lutherans interpret scripture and why we worship the way we do, to an introspective look at our individual faith stories, this experience presents an opportunity to explore this community from the ground up. Representative people from the many different areas of ministry in our congregation will come share what they do with us, how they do it, and how you could be a part of it.
Over the course of five weeks, using grace as our anchor, we will delve into the following emphases:
Week 1: God’s Grace: Keeping the main thing the main thing
Week 2: Grace in the Flesh: Jesus Christ
Week 3: Grace Made Sensory: Baptism & Communion
Week 4: God’s Grace is a Living Word: The Bible
Week 5: Living in Grace: Faith Practices – Generosity, Worship, Community
At the end of the Journey, we extend an invitation to those who are not yet members of Our Redeemer’s to join us at the Sunrise Service on Easter morning at Carkeek Park.
Regardless of whether you join or not, the Journey is a wonderful way to become more fully involved in this church family. No strings attached.
Especially for those who are new, the Journey is an excellent place to bring your questions, to find your people, to explore how faith might ground you, and how God might call you into action.
To register to participate, contact Mandy Neill, our welcome minister, at welcome@ourredeemers.net.