by Phillipa Dugaw, Volunteer Coordinator
It’s amazing the number of unique and wonderful things that we do around here. As I sit at 3 months into this job, I’m learning about so many ways that groups of people come together to make a difference. Our Redeemer’s depends on their community and truly appreciates every single one of you that steps up and shows up – from our Caring Team, Welcome Team, Liturgical Arts Team, Finance Team, Nomination Team, Faith Formation Leads, Bible Study Lead – just to name a few.
For this month let’s put a spotlight on our Quilters. You need to come see these ladies in action. They know how to have fun, connect, and make some beautiful quilts. The quilts they make are for Lutheran World Relief and some quilts are even given to the high school graduates at our church. The quilts represent dedication, commitment, comfort, joy, and love.
If you’re interested in learning how to quilt or maybe you have some experience, you too can join this team because everyone is welcome! The quilters meet on Monday mornings 9:00 am -noon and if that time doesn’t work for you, then ask how you can help from home, because guess what? That’s a thing!
Now, if you see any of these wonderful women around, say thank you and get a little curious about what they do. They are Sharon Longaker, America Meija, Nancy Crowe-Paulsen, Nancy Parks, Nancy Hiraoka, Anne Lewis, Joanna Elizondo and JoAnn Gibson. (JoAnn is a Master Quilter, and just retired at the age of 90!)