Our Redeemer's Blog

The Voice of Our Redeemer’s

This is the voice of Our Redeemer’s. You’ll hear from Pastor Kathy, leaders of social justice programs, youth, and many other folks in our community. Use the filter to search for something specific, or browse through different posts to be surprised. Have something to say? Get in touch with Allison.

“You’ve given me space to be human, while still trusting and respecting me as your pastor. (I’m not going to mention all the bad jokes you e-mail me!)”

What brought Pastor Kathy to Our Redeemer’s 13 years ago? What has happened since then? Read on to hear about how God has continued to shape our community more into who God created us to be.

I do not cease to give thanks for you as I remember you in my prayers. In Christ…you also are built together spiritually into a dwelling place for God. – Ephesians 1:16, 2:22

February 15, 2001. The day I began my call to serve God by serving the people of Our Redeemer’s. We were a different community then in a number of ways: older, smaller, fewer programs, children, etc. I was describing it to someone recently who said, “Why did you go there?!?” And I answered without hesitation, “Because it was an unusually healthy, honest place, willing to admit its limitations and to let God change it.” The vision statement inspired me, the congregation had a warm heart and the call process–unlike any other I’ve been through—chose to let the Spirit lead, at the Spirit’s own (rather slow) pace. I remember telling someone at the time that I experienced Our Redeemer’s as an “oasis of grace.”

I still do. Far more than you know, God has shaped me through you–and still is. Having shared life and faith with you these thirteen years, you’ve seen my missteps, you know my weaknesses, my sin (yes)—and you’ve continued to be both honest and gracious with me. You’ve given me space to be human, while still trusting and respecting me as your pastor. (I’m not going to mention all the bad jokes you e-mail me!) We’ve gone through September 11, a major recession, a couple of wars. We’ve merged as a congregation, endorsed, prayed, disagreed, wept, hoped, sang, served, worried, experimented, welcomed, shared, eaten and grown together. Year after year, we become more and more who God has created us to be:

A community in the model of Christ

For the life of the world.

But God isn’t finished with us. As the old saying went, “PBPWU. GIFWUY.” (Please Be Patient With Us. God Isn’t Finished With Us Yet.)

I’m so grateful—and hopeful—and curious, about what still lies ahead for us.
May we continue to be open to God’s surprises, graces and growth.+

-Pastor Kathy Hawks

Our Redeemer’s Blog

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