by Pastor David Hahn
We celebrated the installation of the Transition Team during the August 7 worship. First and foremost, we invite you to keep the team members in your prayers as they begin the important transitional work on behalf of all of us at Our Redeemer’s: Bob Carlson, Kari Guddal, Michael Hammett, Lars Svenholm Hanson, and Meagan Minus.
The team is currently in the first phase of the listening work. This process involves requesting feedback from the congregation to give some initial self-awareness of who we are as a community of faith, and the kind of leadership we believe God is calling us to invite to walk with us into a new future. The responses will help to develop the Ministry Site Profile (MSP).
The MSP is a two-part snapshot: Step 1) How we see ourselves as a congregation (the work of the Transition Team) and Step 2) What we are looking for in rostered/pastoral leadership (the work of the Call Committee). The MSP will be shared with the potential candidates as part of the search process.
The clearer we are about ourselves and the more accurately we can describe ourselves as a congregation (warts and all) the more effective the search process will be. The Call Committee will not be formed until the MSP, Snapshot No. 1 is completed.
If you have any questions about the process you are welcome to contact any of the Transition Team members, or contact pastor David Hahn, the transition facilitator, directly at
The first Adult Forum opportunities in September, on the 18th and 25th, will involve an updated report from the current listening that the team has been doing with the congregation during August and September.
You are invited to attend each of these 10:00 am sessions in the Fellowship Hall as the team works to generate an initial profile of the congregation. Your partnership and presence are deeply important to this process, and we would greatly appreciate your attendance and continued feedback as we move forward.