June 25 – September 3
One Service at 10 AM
Our summer schedule is lighter than the rest of the year, with one service at 10:00 am, followed by coffee and fellowship outside on the patio. Special music will be shared from various members of our community as offering, and we will worship less formally “in the round.” Nursery care is provided, but our Faith Formation classes will be on hold until September 10th.
Meeting Jesus: Who do you say that I am?
Starting June 25th, we are delving into our preconceived notions about Jesus Christ and uncovering fresh perspectives and profound significance about the Messiah in our 10:00 am Sunday worship gatherings. The accounts in the gospels vividly portray the tension surrounding the conflicting expectations others held regarding Jesus’ identity compared to who he truly was – a dynamic that remains relevant even in our present time. Just as in the scriptures, Jesus prompts us to continuously consider our customs, the individuals we engage with, and the essence of being both gracious and yet boldly prophetic.