Our Redeemer's Blog

Statement from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land

We at Our Redeemer’s feel called to share this statement by the Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land (ELCJH). Israel’s violent action a few days ago against unarmed protestors at the Gaza border resulted in the deaths of at least 60 human beings and more than 2000 injuries. The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Jordan and the Holy Land statement strongly condemns these killings and the unjustified and disproportionate use of force against unarmed civilians, as they condemn all violence. Bishop Azra writes that the the ELCJH believes that violent actions against the Palestinian civilians will hinder the potential for peace and reconciliation efforts between Israel and Palestine.

In addition, Bishop Azar released a separate statement last week standing in strong opposition to the moving of the US embassy to Jerusalem. Bishop Azar calls on us, people of faith through the world, to advocate with our respective governments. We at Our Redeemer’s echo Bishop Azar’s commitment when he writes “We will continue to pray, advocate, and faithfully work towards a peaceful and just solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.”

Please read the statement in its entirety, below.

Evangelica Lutheran Church of Jordan and the Holy Land Church Statement-Concerning-Massacre-in-Gaza


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