There are many ways to volunteer and make a difference. Please contact Elizabeth at outreach@ourredeemers.net or 206-783-7900 x105. (She is more than happy to sign volunteer forms for high schoolers, too!)
Recycling Roundup, Saturday, April 23, 10 AM-2 PM
Volunteer beforehand to spread the word or on April 23, 10 am – 12 pm, or 12 pm – 2 pm to hold signs, direct traffic, help collect and bag the Styrofoam and clothes, or help store the clothing in our office or your vehicle.
Calling Bike Enthusiasts!
Our Redeemer’s will celebrate a Bike Blessing & Parade on May 22 between services. We’re looking for some volunteers to plan this event. Pastor Gretchen is full of ideas!
Lutheran World Relief
Bring in 4-oz bars of Ivory soap, toothbrushes, and medium-weight dark towels through Palm Sunday to make Hygiene Kits. These will go to refugees around the world.
Help with load-in during In gathering May 13-14
Join quilters Monday mornings, 9 am – noon. No sewing experience necessary.
Our Ballard Sunday Dinner Falls on Easter in April
We are looking for folks who can help Bob Carlson make extra Easter breakfasts and pack them up to take for Easter dinner. We also need volunteers to warm up food, serve and do simple clean up during the hours of 4:00-6:00 pm and 5:00-6:30 pm. Volunteers are already providing Easter candy!
Racial Justice Advocates (RJA) Meetings
Tuesdays, April 5 and 19, 7:15 – 8:30 pm | Zoom
RJA seeks to educate ourselves about racial equity and plan educational and action events for the congregation! Our vision: “In response to the Condemnation of White Supremacy and Racist Rhetoric Social Policy Resolution CA19.04.18, the Racial Justice Advocates of Our Redeemer’s Lutheran Church sees a future in which we are fully cognizant of the struggles of our members and neighbors due to racial inequality and we pledge to partner with them to rectify this egregious situation. We are strategizing and coordinating efforts within our congregation to repent of this sin and live into the vision of the beloved community now.”
The advocates meet on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month. You’re invited to join in!