Our Redeemer's Blog

Q&A: What You Need to Know While We’re Under Construction

When will construction begin? On Monday, October 5.

What will happen first?  Outside the building, the first activity on site will be the addition of fencing and removal of various overgrown plantings.Inside, the contractor will be working on asbestos abatement and demolition of the administration and bathroom area.

What is the expected construction end date? The contractor’s date for substantial completion is 7/15/21. Following that date, we will be working on punch list items, installing the organ and the audio-visual systems.

Can I come take a look? Well, through the construction fencing, yes. But no, not inside in person. But Pastor Gretchen and Brandy Fox, our owner’s representative (construction project manager) will be posting regular videos of different aspects of the work as it happens. Look for these on our special Build the Vision website page.

Where can I find the Build the Vision information page on Our Redeemer’s website? Go to https://ourredeemers.net/about/build-the-vision/

What else can I find on that web page? Every few weeks we will post updates on the construction progress with photos, videos, financials, and a summary of what has been completed.

If I have questions about the construction, who can I ask? For construction-related matters Fred Johnson (fred@lzlconstruction.com) can either answer or find answers to your questions. For financial information questions, go to Karie Stearns, our administrator (administrator@ourredeemers.net).

How can I reach a staff person during the months of construction? The best way to reach staff is by email. We are in the process of setting up technology for pastoral on-line office hours. See current availability below and stay tuned for technology info.

Pastor Kathy – Thursdays, 9am to noon: kathyh@ourredeemers.net

Pastor Gretchen – Tuesdays, 10am to 1pm: pastor.gretchen@ourredeemers.net

Parish Administrator, Karie Stearns – Tuesdays, 12-3pm: administrator@ourredeemers.net

Traditional Worship & Music Director, Karen Lee: Karen@ourredeemers.net

Communications Coordinator, Debbie Lematta: communications@ourredeemers.net

Database Specialist, Katlin Dickinson-Laurence: office@ourredeemers.net

Welcome Ministers, Katlin Dickinson-Laurence: office@ourredeemers.net and Amy Hammett: welcome@ourredeemers.net

Will we be able to worship together in the fellowship hall before construction is complete? That really depends heavily on the course of COVID-19 in King County. Right now, although Governor Inslee has said 25% occupancy load is permissible, that allows us only about 30 people, and many of us are quite uncomfortable being inside together, even at a “safe” distance. Furthermore, we wouldn’t be able to commune or sing together, which really puts a damper on the “shared” part of shared worship.

I understand we will have an office for the church, away from the building? Yes. In order to keep financial records safe, make use of our copier lease, and have a home base, a small office has been established for our staff and volunteers. Staff will be there as needed. The address is 5306 Ballard Ave NW, Ste 226. You can leave messages on the regular church phone number and at our church email address. Emails and voicemail will be checked every weekday.

If I mail my check to the church, where should I send it now? You will be receiving envelopes with the temporary church office address on them: 5306 Ballard Ave NW, Ste 226, Seattle, 98107.

Will the church phone number still be active? Yes. And staff will be checking messages every weekday.

What is happening to our Road to Housing program during construction? It will continue although, for safety reasons, entry into the fellowship hall will be on weekends only when our guests will use a code to access the bathroom, kitchen and laundry. A portable restroom and a handwashing station is being provided near where their vehicles are parked. We are grateful to our contractors, LZL, for making special accommodations to make it possible.

Will Goodwill Collection and Microsoft Parking continue in our parking lot during construction? Yes. Both leases have been extended.

I know there was some concern about both the Scouts and the Co-op Preschool having enough space to meet in the renovated building. Has that been addressed? Yes. Both groups will need to shift their meeting spaces during construction, but workable, positive solutions have been found. We remain committed to serving our neighborhood. In fact, that is largely what the renovation is all about!