Our Redeemer's Blog

Pentecost/Confirmation Sunday

June 4, 9 AM & 11 AM Services

We are celebrating Pentecost on Sunday June 4th. Pentecost is the day we recognize God’s creation of the Church. It is our tradition to wear red that day, and be reminded of the many gifts of the Holy Spirit. This Pentecost, we are blessed to have two celebrations of faith – the reception of new members, and the affirmation of faith for our confirmation students. 

At the 9:00 am service, we will be celebrating those who are making a commitment to our congregation and joining this part of the body of Christ! Scott Chrisman, Andrew Shimer & Rachel Stenberg, Ardene Adams & Cathy Fransson, Judy Malmgren, Paul & Jolanta Grigbsy, Sam & Emily Hendricks, Susan Ulrich-Angell, Mary Melvey, Anne McGrew, Barb Moen, and Sarah Bloom. We rejoice that you have found a church family among us! 

At the 11:00 am service, we are honoring six confirmation students as they affirm their baptisms: Sam Trussell, Kyra Ege, Liam Dugaw, Lucy Watkins, Hazel Prentice, and Lake Neill. Congratulations to them and their families! May the journey in faith continue to be rich in blessings!

Gratitude abounds, even as we pray, “Come Holy Spirit!”