Do you have a prayer request? Are you feeling particularly anxious or concerned right now, and would appreciate someone praying for you or with you?
Although you may not know it, Our Redeemer’s has a wonderful group of people dedicated to praying for any and all concerns or joys in our community. In these times when prayer is such a comfort and strength, these folks are available for all of us.
You can:
Email or call Mary Peters at, 206 784-8403
Email, call or text Valerie Tung at, 206-999-8318 (best times: 10om-midnight)
Eric Olson at 206-713-4379
Linda Carbone 206-783-2476
Stephanie Running 206 551-8695
And, of course, your pastors are available by phone, text, or email. God’s peace be with you!