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Palm/Passion Sunday – March 28, 2021 @11am
Our service will begin with Palms and a great children’s message, and continue into a dramatic telling of the whole story of Christ’s journey to the cross. It is a big picture view of Holy Week, and a moving story. Join us on Zoom or Facebook live Sunday morning.
Maundy Thursday – April 1, 2021 @6pm
Celebrate Jesus’ last supper with his friends and his washing of their feet. We encourage you to have:
- A washbasin and a towel,
- A simple meal of soup and bread prepared for your household,
- Communion elements of bread and wine
The service will include a “Circles of Connection” time where we discuss the scriptures and pray together during our meal, and we will conclude with Holy Communion and chanting Psalm 22.
24 Hour Prayer Vigil – Friday April 2 @noon to Saturday April 3 @noon
We honor the cross and Christ’s love for us, even unto death, as we hold vigil, praying for an hour in solitude. Prayer prompts and prayers requested by the congregation will be available. We pray for the world, for the church, for God’s people, and for healing, mercy, and justice.
Sign up to Pray – LINK. You may also Request a Prayer – LINK.
Good Friday Seven Last Words – April 2, 2021 @7pm
Together we will pray and listen to reflective music from members of our congregation, as we extinguish seven candles and enter into the darkness of Christ’s death. You are encouraged to have seven candles.
Easter Sunrise Worship! – April 4, 2021 @6:30am – in-person at Carkeek Park
He is risen!! We rise early to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection – in person – on Easter Sunday! You will need: a chair, a blanket, your own coffee, and a mask. We will provide pre-packaged communion elements, and bulletins. (We are very mindful that we are still in a pandemic. We ask everyone to maintain strict social distancing, and refrain from hugging, or singing, or touching each other.)
Easter Sunday Celebration! – April 4, 2021 @11am
Our special Easter worship is with orchestra, brass, handbells, and choir. Celebrate together as we will sing and pray and let our alleluias ring! Our service will include a special children’s message and Holy Communion.