Palm Sunday – March 28, 11:00 AM
With palms gathered from the pastor’s houses, we invite you to join us on zoom. There will be a special message for children, and a reader’s theater of the passion story. Start your Holy Week well.
We will need: readers, a few actors, and musicians. Let us know if you can help! Please contact Pastor Gretchen if you would like to be involved.
Maundy Thursday – April 1, 6:00 PM
At 6pm, we will gather for story, meal, and song as we remember the Last Supper, and Christ’s journey to the cross. We will have different times for reflection throughout the service,
You will need: simple soup and bread meal, communion elements, and access to zoom.
Good Friday – April 2, 7:00 PM
We remember the seven last words of Christ in a Tenebrae service (service of shadows) of special music, reading, and reflection. Please have a candle ready to participate.
We will need: special music from players both youth and adult. If you are interested in playing or singing a piece for this service, please contact Karen Lee or Pastor Gretchen.
Easter Sunday Sunrise Worship – 6:30 AM – Carkeek Park
Assuming all goes well, we will gather at Carkeek at sunrise to celebrate the resurrection! Prayer, communion, sermon, and more. We will provide safe individual communion servings.
We will need: Set up crew, welcome/hospitality hosts, musicians, and bonfire folks! Please contact Pastor Gretchen to be involved.
You will need: To stay properly socially distanced – byo chair, blanket, mask, coffee.
Easter Sunday Celebration – April 4, 11:00 AM
Our festival worship with choir and orchestra will be live on zoom and facebook at 11am. We will sing and pray, and celebrate the resurrection!
We will need: classical musicians of all stripes! Singers and players! Please contact Karen Lee to be involved.