Holden at Home – Ways to be Involved:
- Holden Evening Prayer
- Variety Show and Ice Cream Online Social
- Podcasts with Alan Storey
- Bread Making
- Sharing Photos and Stories
- Nature Hike
Scroll Down for all the details!
Holden Evening Prayer
Monday July 6th – Friday July 10th at 7:00pm
Pastor Gretchen and Karen Lee will lead us each evening in the cleansing solace that is Holden Evening Prayer. Grab a cup of tea and settle down for a soothing 25 minutes of song, prayer, and scripture. The music will be “shared” online, so you can participate.
Listen here to the story of Holden Evening Prayer, as told by the composer, Marty Haugen: https://youtu.be/q8wJsVDmXYM
Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/95856539374?pwd=VXlLSFU0K3JhRXlTTHZ4RmM0UHdqdz09
Meeting ID: 958 5653 9374
Password: prayer
Variety Show and Ice Cream Social
7:00 pm Saturday July 11
Wrap up our Holden Week with some Holden Hilarity! Sign up to participate in the variety show. Music, jokes, acting, skits, and costume-drama are welcome! Also, bring an ice-cream treat to eat while we enjoy the talents and revelry of our congregation.
Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/97964195323?pwd=ajhrbHBkeE9SVDFuZVJNa0tUUkJzUT09
Meeting ID: 979 6419 5323
Password: social
Podcasts with Pastor Alan Storey from the Holden Archives
Every day, at your leisure!
Pastor Alan Storey of Capetown, South Africa has been a regular presenter at Holden Village over the years, and his classes from 2017 seem to be on point for the days we’ve been seeing the past months. We have invited Pastor Storey to join us in the fall for a forum, and this series will be a great introduction to his teaching. For those of you who have participated in the “Manna and Mercy” bible classes, Pastor Storey is also the writer of that curriculum. Enjoy!
A brief biography of Alan Storey from the Holden Village webstie: http://audio.holdenvillage.org/presenter/alanstorey?page=1
Podcast links:
Monday: http://audio.holdenvillage.org/node/17300
Tuesday: http://audio.holdenvillage.org/node/17298
Wednesday: http://audio.holdenvillage.org/node/17301
Thursday: http://audio.holdenvillage.org/node/17299
Friday: http://audio.holdenvillage.org/node/17299
Bread Making with Bob Carlson
1pm Wednesday July 8 – SIGN UP
10am Saturday July 11 – SIGN UP
Join us on Zoom with Bob to coach us through making our own home-made Holden Bread! Just make sure you have the ingredients on hand, and we’ll have a blast!
Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/92043275295?pwd=VkxIZk9aLzRGTkNoMVUzS09UNVpFUT09
Meeting ID: 920 4327 5295
Password: bread
Zoom Photo Sharing with Stories
7:30pm Monday July 5th, following Holden Evening Prayer
Join us on Zoom and share your favorite Holden stories and photos! This is a great way for us to learn and share our times at Holden. To ensure that everyone gets a chance to share, please just bring one photo and/or one story.
Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/91468543311?pwd=aWpkUlNIbW1wWkpESXVJaVhWMmhYQT09
Meeting ID: 914 6854 3311
Password: holden
Nature Hike
2pm Saturday July 11
Join us for a socially distanced nature hike in our own Carkeek Park! We will hike in down to the beach, and then hike back out again. Weller (age 6) can do this hike – so it’s not super-difficult, but there is a bit of elevation gain on the way in and out.