As February unfolds, we stand on the threshold of Lent—a season of reflection, repentance, and renewal. It’s a time when we intentionally draw closer to God, examining our lives and seeking transformation; recognizing that the world—in ourselves and around us—is not as it should be. It is a gift to embark on this Lenten journey with you as your transition pastor.
Just as the winter landscape transitions to spring, Lent invites us to undergo our own spiritual metamorphosis.
Over the next 40 days, let us immerse ourselves in prayer, fasting, and acts of compassion, remembering this is God’s call to restore us. Together, we will explore the themes of humility, sacrifice, and redemption, mirroring the journey of Christ in the wilderness.
As our church undergoes this season of change, let Lent serve as a guidepost, illuminating our path toward a vibrant and renewed community. As we relinquish certain comforts, we create space for God’s transformative power to work in our hearts and the life of our congregation. New days are ahead, and with it, some deep house cleaning.
Join me each Sunday as we delve into Scripture, exploring the profound lessons embedded in the Lenten narrative. Let our shared reflections inspire growth, unity, and a deepening of our faith. Additionally, I invite you to take up your own Lenten practice of prayer, Scripture reading, and reflection on what it is that God is calling out in you these days. In these moments, may we collectively foster a sense of togetherness during this sacred time.
May this Lenten season be a period of spiritual growth for each one of us and for this beloved community of faith.
As we navigate the last stages of this transition together, let the Spirit of Christ through Lent guide us toward a future filled with hope, purpose, and an unwavering commitment to Christ’s love.
In Grace and Anticipation,
Pastor David