Our Redeemer's Blog

Family Mission Trip

Family Mission Trip

January 17, 2016 @ 1:00 pm – January 18, 2016 @ 3:00 pm

Family Mission Trip

Martin Luther King Jr. Weekend

Lutherwood Camp and Retreat Center, Bellingham, WA



$100 Maximum/family


Stay in the lovely Lakeview Lodge with other families from Our Redeemer’s! Upon arrival, we’ll prepare dinner together (personal pizzas!), have a time of family oriented worship, and then play games and chat until it’s time for bed. On Monday, we’ll eat a nutritious breakfast before heading into the Lutherwood grounds to do a service project for the morning. After lunch, you are free to depart or stick around to enjoy hiking trails, field games, or other camp favorites until 3pm when the program will end.

Stay tuned for:

Carpool/Caravan information

Potluck items needed to create our meals together


Draft Schedule:


January 17

1pm           Depart Our Redeemer’s

3pm           Arrive at Lutherwood

Settle in, explore, games

4:30pm       Begin pizza dinner preparations

5:00pm       Dinner time!

6:00pm       Worship Together

6:30pm       Conversation, games, group fun time

??                Bedtimes named by families


January 18

8:30am        Bagel Bar Breakfast

9:00am        Service project on the Lutherwood grounds

12:00pm     Lunch and debrief project

1-3pm        Free Time – hiking, games, canoes

3pm           All Our Redeemer’s families depart.